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2017 CSC Scholarship Applications are Now Open

Dear CSC Applicants,


    To make it convenient on both sides, we have decided to open receiving of CSC applications in advance. Our online application system now accepts applications for CSC scholarship (Sep. 2017 intake). Due to heavy competition for CSC scholarship, we will consider the best applicants only, so we suggest you to do your best in writing the research/study proposal. In-complete applications will be rejected. Please input CSC or Chinese Govt. Scholarship as your "Financial Sponsor". (Please upload a short written application for CSC scholarship in - "JSU presidential scholarship application" field) Due to winter vacations and Spring Festival, we regret to inform that your applications will be verified only after Feb. 20th. Please note that you will also have to apply on the CSC website for further process:     

    CSC Agent Number: 10299

    If you already contacted a professor as your supervisor, please mention in the application to help us process faster.

    Check our CSC scholarship profile for details.

    In case of any difficulty, please e-mail us:

   For details on programs, please check our programs page and proceed for application via our online application system:  

NOTE: Currently admissions are open only for CSC applicants. Applications for self-funded programs of Autumn 2017 will be open from March 20 onwards.

Admissions Office,

Overseas Education College,

Jiangsu University

Contact Us

08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

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