Current location: Student Affairs


Notice on the Application of “Jiangsu Provincial Scholarship” in the 2021-2022 Academic Year

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Notice on Students Recruit of Yale Class and Yale Lecture

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List of Preliminary Winners for 2020-2021 Outstanding Students Scholarship

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Notice on the Application of 2020-2021 Academic Year Outstanding Scholarship of Overseas Students

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Notice on 27th International “Tri-U” Joint Seminar & Symposium in China

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Notice on the Selection of Outstanding Master and Doctoral Graduates

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The 18th Simulated International Conference Communication Contest for Postgraduate Students in Jiangsu University

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Notice on the Selection of "Top 10 Students" in Jiangsu University

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Notice on the Selection of Excellent Graduates of Undergraduates in Jiangsu University in 2020-2021 Academic Year

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Notice on Students Recruit of Yale Class and Yale Lecture

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