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The Notice of Recruiting Postgraduate English Teaching Assistant of This Semester

In order to promote the revolution of scholarship and student grant system andimprovethe comprehensive quality of postgraduates, we are currently seekingforoverseas postgraduates to serve as the postgraduate English assistant of our Graduate School. Concrete issues are notified as follows:



1.Take relevant classes to learn about teaching requirements and teaching schedule. Familiarize yourself with teaching content,key points and difficulties(1-2classes/week).

2.Divide studentsinto groups to take oral international academic training according to the teaching plan(once a week for each group,ten people per group,one or two classes pertime).

3.English teaching assistant for masters should help the teacher with the tutorship,explanation,question answering ofhomework of the course“Academic Paper Writing” and modification ofstudents’ papers.(at most 4 classes/week), comment class assignmentsregularly(one class/3 weeks); the English teaching assistant for PHD have to cooperate with the teacher to study after-class cases,discuss demonstration tutoring (at most 3 classes/week) and attend class discussion regularly(1 class/week).

4.Assist the English Education Department of Postgraduates in the School of Foreign Languages to tutor extracurricular activities(at most 3 classes/week),for example, English speech contest manuscript modification and oral tutoring,etc.(about 8 classes).


Application Object:

The number of needed teaching assistant is about 15,application objects should be overseas postgraduate students in ourUniversity. Students with disciplinary offence , exam failing or students studying beyond the fixed number ofacademicyear cannot apply for the position. Applicants cannot apply for other teaching assistant positions of ourUniversity at the same time.   


Candidate qualifications:

1.Have strong interest and enthusiasm to be a postgraduate English teaching assistant.

2.Have a goodability of English academic writing and strong communication skills.

3.Have an accurate English pronunciation intonation, make sure that you have basic English grammar kills, and can speak English fluently , accurately and naturally without the obvious bad language habits.

4.Besides, the person who has International exchange experience will be given priority.

Application process:

1.Firstly,fill in “application form of Jiangsu University graduate English teaching assistant” (Annex1). Secondly,send the form with signature of supervisor to the training office of Graduate School education office  and Room 212  of  Overseas Education College before October 10, 2016 (Leave the blank for the signature of Courseteachers, Schools that open course , Graduate School temporarily ).

2.The postgraduate English teaching department ofGraduate school andSchool offoreign language have to organize examination selection of oversea graduates who applied for the teaching assistant. The specific time and place will be announced later, people who passed the selection will have the job.

Payment and way to issue:

1.The pay is 20 yuan/class,fill out theFinal assement for the postgraduateteaching assistant ofjiangsu university”  at the end of the semester toreceive the assessment, if you pass the assessment , the paymen will be issued according to actual teaching hour.

2.People be awarded asExcellent postgraduate English teaching assistant” will be cited and rewarded ,but if you’re fired during the appointment,the performancewill be reported to theGraduateSchooleducationoffice and Overseas Education College.

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