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HSK registration  ON MARCH 24th, 2018 starts from now on, please go to online registration.

1. Registration deadline:  March 14th, 2018

2. Registration steps:

(1) Registration: Please go to register and enter for exam according to the corresponding level. You should upload your electronic photo.

(2) Payment: After registration correctly, pay on line.

HSK network examination fees (RMB)

Examination Level        Ordinary Candidate

HSK Level 1                            150

HSK Level 2                             250

HSK Level 3                             350

HSK Level 4                             450

HSK Level 5                             550

HSK Level 6                             650        

(3) Print admission card for entrance examination: After registration correctly, you can receive the registration confirmation information and print your admission card on the registration website before deadline or get your admission card in the language and culture center office(JIANGTANGQUN Room 106).

(4) Announcement of results: Around 30 working days after the examination of that month, you can go to query your results.

3. Examination address: The third floor of Electronic reading room of Jiangsu University library, Xue Fu Road 301, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China.

4. Contact:

Address: Language and culture center(Jiang Tang Qun106) of Jiangsu University, Xue Fu Road 301, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China

Teacher: Tang Min

Telephone Number: 0511-88790993


Registration website:

Contact Us

08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

Admissions Office: +86-511-88792366

Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566

Teaching Affairs: +86-511-88792216

No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013