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Notice on the 2020 Annual Top Ten Teachers Online Voting

Dear Undergraduate Students,

It is time to vote for the best teachers in 2020, all undergraduate students are required to vote for your beloved teachers. The voting period will be conducted from May 25th to May 31st, 2020, there are 2 ways to vote, the processes are as follows:

Access pass 1 Vote by mobile phone.

Step 1Open“江苏大学” by WeChat

Step 2OpenA.综合服务大厅”

Step 3 Open “Top ten teachers” to vote, you may vote for 3 teachers at most.

Access pass 2 Vote by website.

Step 1Log in on the information portal of Jiangsu University

Step 2Open “Top ten teachers” to vote.

Click “可用应用”(Available applications) to look for “Top ten teachers” if you couldn’t find it after you log in Internet.

Step 3 Click “进入服务”to continue.

Step 4 Vote for your favorite teachers, you can vote forThree teachers at most,click “submit” to finish voting.

Click “alter” to clear the selection and vote again if you want to change your voting.

Note:Please vote for your favorite teacher, help her/him to be “Top 10” teacher of Jiangsu University.

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