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Notice on Students Recruit of Yale Class and Yale Lecture

Dear Students:

    As the best platform of cultural exchange between Chinese and Western, English provides an easy access for students to be a member of the international community. To broaden students’ international perspectives and improve their ability in academic exchanges which is advocated by the project of “Open to the World” in Jiangsu University, the recruitment for Yale Class and Yale Lecture in the first half of 2016 is to be launched. This activity aims at sharing some latest academic information resources, developing a group of students who are able to integrate into the world and international competition much faster. The details are stated below:

1. Organizer: Youth League Committee, International Exchange and Cooperate Centre, Overseas Education College, JSU Library

2. Training Content: 

    Yale Class: (for undergraduates)

        Group study on online academic resource of good quality 

        Tutor: Mark

    Yale Lecture: (for post graduates)

        How to Write Scientific Research Paper

        Tutor: Mark

3. Training Method:

    Yale Class: Group representation and discuss on different resources given by tutor.

    Yale Lecture: Lecture

4. Time &Place:

    Time: (Yale class) 6:30pm—7:30pm on every Tuesday and Thursday

              (Yale lecture) 6:30pm—7:30pm on Wednesday

    The class will start in early April.

    Place: Lecture Hall on the 1st floor of Library

5. Recruiting Targets:

    Yale Class: all undergraduates

    Yale Lecture: all postgraduates

    Those who pass the class before cannot apply again.

6. Requirements for students:

    Students who are ready for further studies or study abroad

7. Registration Matters:

     a. Please send your name, gender, class, students ID number, phone number and “Yale Class” or “Yale Lecture to Overseas Students’ Affairs Office will make a selection according to your registration time.

     b. Registration deadline: March. 25th, 2016

     c. Restricted number: 20 undergraduates for Yale Class, 10 postgraduates for Yale Lecture

8. Attention: Yale Class and Yale Lecture are free courses 

                                     (Overseas Education College)

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