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Notice of Selecting “TOP 10 Students of Jiangsu University ”

    The selection of “Top 10 Students of Jiangsu University" has started and foreign students are encouraged to apply. Details are as follow: 

    1. Why“Top 10 Students of Jiangsu Universality” are selected? 

        To recognize outstanding examples, cultivate creativity and encourage  self-improvement  

    2. Who are entitled to apply?  

        Candidates shall meet following conditions: 

        a. Full-time student of Jiangsu University ( exclusive of last year students) 

        b. Good moral characters and activeness  

        c. Passion for China and Chinese culture 

        d. Excellent academic record (winner of 2nd-class excellence scholarship or above) 

        e. Active participation of intramural and social activity 

        f. Free of punishments, criminal records and unblemished history 

    PS, Distinguished achievement of scientific researches which create social and practical values and experience of being students cadre who makes contributions are advantageous conditions. 

    3. How can you be “Top 10 students of Jiangsu University“? 

        a. Submission of application documents including till Mach 24th  

        b. Pre-assessment of candidates’ qualifications from March 25th to 31st 

        c. Vote through Wechat, PU platform or from April 1st to 5th,after which a             list of 20 candidates will be officially decided 

        d. 3-day publicity of 20 candidates through Wechat, PU platform or from             April 8th to 11th 

        e.  "Top 10 students of Jiangsu University" will be selected after final review. 

    4. What shall be included in application documents? 

        a. filled application form (see the attachment) with 2-inch photo 

        b. List of candidate’s awards and prises, 2000-word introduction of personal  achievements             printed with A4 paper (Font: 仿宋 or Times New Roman) 

        c. copies of certificates and evidentiary materials for personal achievements. 


Overseas Education College

Attachment:Application form

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