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Notice on Recruit of Sign Language Competition

Dear students,

    The recruit of JSU Second Sign Language Competition is coming!Sign language is a communication way between the deaf and the healthy, and this competition provides our students a good opportunity to learn the language and enhance the internal cohesion and solidarity.

    OEC will hold a preliminary contest, aiming to select a team of performers whose moves are graceful and mental outlook are refreshing to participate in JSU finals. Considering the mid-term exam week (9thweek), OEC puts the preliminary on Apr 29th(Friday, 10thweek) so that your team will have enough time to take practice of sign language song and get rid of high pressure from the intensive exam timetable.


    1. Students are required to organize a team freely which is no less than 10 people and no more than         20 people.

     2. The participants need to choose one from attached links of sign language videos and study it         independently.

    3. The performance is of maximum 5 min.

    4. Evaluation criteria:movement synchronisation,sign language complexity, expression.

    5. Registration deadline: April 15, 2016

    Registration Matter:

    Team leader should email with the following information to

    (1) Leader’s mobile phone number

    (2) Member’s name

    (3) Member’s student ID number 


    (1)   隐形的翅膀Invisible wings


    (2)   我相信I believe


    (3)   冰凌花



    (4)   超越梦想Beyond Dream


    (5)   从头再来Starting Over




    (6)   我的好兄弟


Overseas Education College

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