Current location: Teaching Affairs


Notice of Graduation Examination for MBBS in 2018 December

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Time table for HSK-4 Training class in 2018-2019-1

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The Notice of Clinical Internship in China for MBBS Students

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Notice of Applying for Graduation/Degree in December 2018 (For Undergraduate Students)

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Introductory Surgery Clinical and Bus arrangement For MBBS2014

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Final Exam For Linear Algebra of 2018-2019-1

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Clinical Calendar for MBBS of 2018-2019-1

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2018-2019-1Arrangement of Orientation Exam

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2018-2019-1Arrangement of Baseline Exam

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Bus Arrangement for MBBS of 2018-2019-1

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Contact Us

08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

Admissions Office: +86-511-88792366

Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566

Teaching Affairs: +86-511-88792216

No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013