Current location: Admissions


Timetable of Chinese for Ph.D 2017 Spring in Academic Year 2016-2017(2)

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Timetable of Mathematical Statistics for PG 2017 Spring in Academic Year 2016-2017(2)

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Results for 2017 Winter School Entrance Exam

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Timetable of Chaos theory for Ph.D 2017 Spring in Academic Year 2016-2017(2)

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Timetable of Matrix Theory for PG 2017 Spring in Academic Year 2016-2017(2)

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Timetable of Chinese for PG 2017 Spring in Academic Year 2016-2017(2)

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Results for 2017 Spring Entrance Exam for English Taught Bachelor Programs

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Entrance Exam for English Taught Bachelor Programs

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Policy Update for Presidential Scholarship (2016 Autumn Overseas Post-Graduate Students)

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Results for 2016 Autumn Entrance Exam for English Taught Bachelor Programs

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Contact Us

08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

Admissions Office: +86-511-88792366

Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566

Teaching Affairs: +86-511-88792216

No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013