Current location: ACADEMICS >> Lectures


2021-06-25 On the Lotka-Volterra competition system with dynamical-resource dependent diffusion

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2021-06-25 A delayed succession model with diffusion for the impact of diapause on population growth

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2021-06-11 Singularity formations in some geometric flows

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2021-06-04 Regular solutions of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations on high dimensional Euclidean space

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2021-06-04 Long sequences having notwo nonempty zero-sum subsequences of distinct lengths

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2021-05-28 Separable Hamiltonian PDEs and Turning point principle for stability of gaseous stars

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2021-05-07 Geodesics and Isometric Immersions in Kirigami

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2021-05-06 Laser materials processing for a cleaner future

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2021-04-23 New Sharp Inequalities in Analysis and Geometry

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2021-04-20 Nonclassicality of Light

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