2021-05-28 Separable Hamiltonian PDEs and Turning point principle for stability of gaseous stars
Topic: Separable Hamiltonian PDEs and Turning point principle for stability of gaseous stars
Lecturer: Zeng Chongchun
Date: May 28, 2021
Time: 10:00
Venue: Online, Tencent Meeting ID: 471-629-795
Organizer: School of Mathematical Sciences;Institute of Applied System Analysis
Description: I will discuss some recent results (with Zhiwu Lin) on a stability criterion for non-rotating gaseous stars modeled by the Euler-Poisson system. Under some general assumptions on the equation of states, we proved a turning point principle that the stability of the stars is largely determined by the mass-radius curve parametrized by the center density. In particular, the stability can only change at points with an extremal mass. This stability criterion and the semi-group estimates for the linearized equation Euler-Poisson equation are obtained as a special case in a general framework of linear separable Hamiltonian PDEs.
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