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Academic Seminar and Enterprise Training

Topic: [Two-sided Markets and Screening Strategy]

What best strategies do you intend to employ in your business or firm?

The 2017 post-graduate academic seminar and enterprise training sessions was held between the 6th and 7th November, 2017 at the School of Management, Jiangsu University.

Prof. Thomas Le. Texier; University of Rennes 1; France

The seminar was attended by both Masters students and PhD candidates from the School of Management science and engineering. The enthusiasm and the high level of participation from students showed how prepared they were to face the corporate and academic world through strategic management.

The seminar commenced at 14:30 pm with an opening address and introduction by the Dean of school of Management Studies.

Prof. Thomas Le. Texier is a professor of Economics with the university of Rennes 1, France. He is an expert in innovation and digital economics dealing with both managerial and market based aspects.

Prof. Thomas Le. Texier steered the seminar with a research he conducted on Two-sided Markets and Screening Strategy.

His presentation analyzed the extent to which a platform holder can benefit from investing in screening when there exists varying access to both consumers and content providers. The research first proposed a developed model in which a platform acts as an intermediary between consumers and content providers in a two-sided monopoly setting. Contents are provided at no charge to consumers but content providers generate revenues from third-party players (i.e., advertisers). The utility of consumers increases with the number of content providers and, conversely, content providers get higher revenues (i.e., advertising revenues) if they can attract more audience through the platform.

PG- Student taking keen interest in Prof Texier’s presentation

Complementary to traditional cross-group externalities, the research introduced two additional effects related to the ability of the platform’s holder to choose the level of screening (i.e., access quality).

The research noted that consumers value the access quality effort provided by the platform. On the other hand, quality increases the cost of content providers since the latter have to invest more to comply with quality requirements (e.g., quality standards) and cope with increasing complexity of the platform (i.e., integration cost).

Prof. Thomas Le. Texier admitted that though the two-side market screening is a new area of research, its impact on market analysis will play a major role in the development of new strategies for the growing demand of customers and market needs.

He pointed out that, growing companies like Taobao and Amazon would have to take some critical strategic measures toward the use of Two-sided Markets and Screening Strategy in other to keep in business and maintain customer satisfaction.

Participant expressed their joy and satisfaction to Prof. Texier for his presentation and the exposure of this new area of research.

Topic: [Like me to make me HAPPIER]

The seminar was held at the School of Management, Jiangsu University on November 6, 2017 started at exactly 14.30 pm. Prof. Du Jianguo in delivering his key note address for the second session of the month-long academic seminar and enterprise training, advised participants to actively involve themselves in the academic activities of the school.

“In your own opinion, would you say social network sites like (Facebook, WeChat, QQ, twitter) have positive impact on your Happiness? Social Network Site and Happiness; like me to make me HAPPIER”.

According to a research conducted by Prof. Thierry PENARD, a professor of economics from the University of Rennes 1; France, western social media platforms, typically Facebook and Asia dominant (WeChat) interferes subjectively with people’s well-being than the other social media platforms.

Prof. Thierry Penard indicated that, the main aim of his study taking into consideration the hypothesis was to measure the impact of Social Networks use on individuals and the amount of influence on their well-being. His research was conducted on 2,000 French Facebook users.

The research was conducted based on five (5) research hypothesis: (1) Offline sociability increases well-being, (2) Online facebook usage can increase well-being, (3) facebook can enhance self-esteem passively, (4) Positive social experience, and negative experience.

Prof Du Jianguo, Dean; School of Management, Jiangsu University (Left) addressing the PG-Student with Prof. Thierry Penard, (right)

Prof, Thierry Penard; University of Rennes 1; France.

The findings from the study revealed that Facebook interferes with subjective well-being through its effects on friendships, self-esteem and social comparison. The study indicated that, the use of Social Networks also helps users to derive a positive relation due to the great number of Likes and comments received from Facebook friends. By contrast, people that would prefer to receive more Likes tend to be more unsatisfied with their life.

PG -Students taking keen interest in the presentation delivered by Prof. Penard.

Some participant busily interacting with friends on social media

The findings also indicated that Facebook use can exacerbate frustration and envy. Thus, the ambivalence of Facebook use can have both positive and negative psychological effects on well-being, and raised questions about the viability of Facebook usage.

Prof, Thierry Penard concluded that the use of social network is relevant in human lives, however, it is the best for individuals especially we students at Jiangsu University to have close personal relationships with peers.

Mr. Kingsley Appiah expressed his gratitude to all participant for making the program a success.


Story: Patrick Owusu-Ansah, Abaeben

Photography: Abaeben, Olive Media

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