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2017 Sports Meet Awarding Ceremony

One Team One Dreambinds us together and motivates us to work for the same goal and noble objectives. Teamwork is a unique hallmark of OEC and this has reflected in this year's sports meet. OEC team has shown its potential once again by winning total of 33 medals. On the evening of 28th November at the Awarding ceremony for this year's sports meet held at Cheng Jiao Building hall, our OEC sports stars were honored for their hard work, dedication and team spirit. The ceremony became more special by the presence of vice dean of OEC Miss Cai, patron of ISSA Mr. Wang Bin, Mr. Arun and Mr. Ade Banwo.

The ceremony began with the opening address from Mr. Wang Bin who congratulated the OEC team and encouraged to keep up with the spirit. The second address was given by vice president of ISSA Mr. Robin who mentioned about the everyday struggles of all the sportsmen of waking up early in cold and being on the track for the training. OEC vice dean Miss Cai then delivered the closing address by appreciating the OEC team as she was moved by their spirit. She was thankful and proud of our sportsmen and women for their time, commitment and sincerity and encouraged us to continue displaying excellent attitudes in all spheres and always remember that success does not fall from heavens but requires hard work and commitment.

Credits Writer: Nabila, Olive Daily (Olive Media)Editor: Sj & Tso, Olive Daily (Olive Media)Photographer: Rohan, Olive Media

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