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Pump Alliance Enter Campus to Cultivate “B&R” Talents


In order to implement  "three out of three in "training model for "The Belt and Road" engineering talent proposed by "The Belt and Road" international talents IUA chairman Professor Yan Xiaohong. On the 26th of February, a team of pump experts including Mr. Wang Kai, the General Manager of REDDY BUFFALOES PUMP and Mr. Sun Bing, the Secretary-General of Jiangsu Province Pump Association were invited to instruct international students majoring in Fluid Machinery in Jiangsu University. Dr. Cui Yong, the vice dean of Overseas Education College hosted the event. This training model includes: entrepreneurs teach on the podium, business laboratories enter the campus, business courses add to the university curriculum system, teachers, students and innovation step out the campus(Joint innovation with enterprises), deeply integrated university and enterprise.

     In order to motivate the international students of Fluid Machinery to study hard, enhance their comprehensions of their major and the pump industry, some pump experts are invited to give lecture and solve students’ puzzles. In the beginning, with resourceful descriptions in words, pictures and videos, Mr. Wang and Mr. Sun presented an exciting picture of the current development, future outlook and enormous international talent demand of pump industry. Experts also encouraged international students to engage in active participation of professional and social practices to improve their practical and problem solving ability while enhancing their study, which makes them popular both to the industry and employers. Then, students asked a couple of questions concerning technologies and career development and experts answered from the perspective of practitioner. Students expressed high satisfaction over this event as they learnt plenty of knowledge beyond textbook, extend their knowledge and enrich their understandings of the major. Consequently, students have become more confidence about their future. In the end of event, Mr. Wang introduced the voluntary teaching campaign in North Jiangsu Province, appealing to students to realize their social value through participating public services.

    The English-taught Fluid Machinery undergraduate program of Jiangsu University received the full sponsorship of Silk Road Scholarship by Chinese Scholarship Council. All the first-batch 30 enrolled students of this program are from the countries along the Belt and Road. It is also an important pilot project of university-enterprise collaboration based international talent cultivation of Jiangsu University. Enterprises are involved in talent cultivation and experts from internationalized companies carry on practical teaching. The cultivation has close connections with Belt and Road construction projects, providing talents for enterprises and improving the employ ability of international students. This program is an important pilot of the integration of production and education in the training of international talents which includes "New engineering + internationalization". The program is mainly focusing on “student center, engineering orientation, international vision”, adopting “3 plus 1” model tightly cooperated with "The Belt and Road" construction project, organizing enterprises to participate in the training of talents, introducing international enterprise experts to practice teaching, doing order type, blending and assimilation training to fulfill the international enterprise with marketable “The Belt and Road” Intellectuals.


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