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Traffic police educate OECians on traffic regulations​

On December 14, 2017, Overseas Education College and Jingkou District Traffic brigade, jointly held a lecture Chinese traffic safety laws and regulations. Captain Zhong , Jingkou District Traffic brigade, delivered a wonderful speech, demonstrating the negative effects of drunk driving and dangers,traffic laws and insurance.

Firstly,Captain Zhong explained the importance of traffic safety to lives and dangers of drunk driving. With the help of three student volunteers ,he demonstrated the impact of alcohol on the driver or rider through an experiment using a respiratory alcohol tester. The students were informed on the punishments for drunk driving in China which ranges from detention,deduction of driving licence credit points and imprisonment.

Captain Zhong used visual examples of random accidents to stress his points so that students exercise more caution and are aware of the potential risks to life and others . The lecture session also included explaining traffic light signals and traffic rules in China. Finally, captain Zhong advised that allmotorcycles ought to be registered,have plate numbers and valid insurance. The interactive demonstration  provided a vivid traffic safety lesson for foreign students, which improved their understanding of China's traffic laws and regulations, and enhanced students' awareness of traffic rules.

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