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Journey to the bottom of Zhenjiang | Culture Trip

CSC' Students had the privilege on the conduct of their class teacher Ms. Cai zhaohui, Wu Laoshi to visit some beautiful places of Zhenjiang the romantic city of Jiangsu.

Saturday, March 24, 2018 will certainly be an unforgettable day for the big family of Jiangsu University CSC' students. It is this day that the international students of the recipients of the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) chose to make a trip in the beautiful city of Zhenjiang to discover some tourist sites: Jinshan, Tianshan and Jiaoshan. It was in an atmosphere of cheerfulness and sharing that this beautiful hike took place. Certainly, these types of outings are organized for relaxation, to de-stress, but also and above all they have an academic objective, that is, the discovery and knowledge of Chinese culture.

Let's go for a nice day

This morning we could read the joy on the faces of the students: warm greetings, laugh, smile, family photo all that were at the rendezvous. It was 8:00 am as planned, after Ms Cai's instructions and advices, the bus departed in front of the Library. Very quickly, a breakfast is served to travelers. The atmosphere was joyful in the bus, this was expressed by in cheers, talks, songs and selfies.

Come to see yourself, the Jinshan temple

Once on the first site, Miss Chanez opened the visit with a short speech indicating the purpose of the hike. After the family photo, the students immersed themselves contemplating and enjoying the wonders of the temple and the other places. Others spent their time taking pictures and selfies. Ms Cai and Wu Laoshi played the role of guide by explaining things to students for better understanding. A very restful and instructive park: when lake, garden and temple are combined in the same place it gives beauty and elegance.

Lunch and Museum of Tianshan

Who says museums are only for exhibition of valuable art object ? There were lots of surprise, wonder, group photo, selfie etc. which Ms Cai and her students were engaged in. It was at the Tianshan Museum that the CSCians had lunch. This time it was not Zhōngguó cài that was served to them but rather Měiguó cài. It is the multicultural side of the hike

It all starts well that ends well

It was a special day for CSC'students. They had fun and learned about the ancient history of China. They made an appointment for a future visit in the coming days. Who knows, maybe next time will be out of Zhenjiang or even out of China. The trip successfully ended at 5pm. Students and leaders have all returned to their different homes.

Jiaoshan a small island mountain

Jiaoshan Mountain, Temple, Yangtze River, Multicolored Fish and Park are what our last site offered: crossing of the Yangtze River by boat, observation of multicolored fish, rising of the mountain, group photo, exchange with the natives, songs, were the activities that ended the hike.

Our thanks to:

Ms Cai zhaohui, Wu Laoshi, Abdul Nazif Mahmud, Hafida Wahia, Chanez Maouche, MD Imran Khan


KOFFI AKA Lucien / Ph.D. Candidate of Management

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