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1st Chinese-Foriegn Student Forum of School of Environment

After elaborate preparation, School of the Environment and Safety Engineering successfully held its first Chinese-Foreign Postgraduate Academic Forum on 6th June, 2018, at No. 3 auditorium of Jiangsu University Conference Centre. The distinguished guests present at the forum are Mr. Li Hongbo, Vice President of Jiangsu University; Mr. Wang Changda, Deputy Dean of Graduate School; Mr. Cui Yong, Deputy Dean of Overseas Education College; Mr. Zhu Liping, Secretary of the Party committee of School of the Environment and Safety Engineering; Mr. Wu Xiangyang, Dean of School of the Environment and Safety Engineering; Mr. Liu Hong, Deputy Dean of School of the Environmental and Safety Engineering; Mr. Huang Yongqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of School of the Environmental and Safety Engineering; Mr. Du Daolin, Deputy Dean of School of the Environmental and Safety Engineering; the judges and the invited speakers. No less than 100 Chinese and foreign postgraduate students participated in the forum.

In the opening ceremony, Prof. Wu Xiangyang, Dean of School of the Environment and Safety Engineering, Mr. Wang Changda, Deputy Dean of Graduate School, and Mr. Cui Yong, Deputy Dean of Overseas Education College, delivered their passionate speeches respectively. The opening remarks by Prince Junior, the representative of foreign postgraduate students, aroused resonation among the postgraduate students present at the forum.

According to the schedule, there were 4 specially invited experts’ reports and 15 PG students’ presentations in all. The specially invited reports were made by 4 overseas experts with high academic achievements(Dr. Liu Gang, from Delft University of Technology, Holland:The advance water purification and innovative distribution in the Netherlands;Dr. Wei Jing, from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore:The state-of-the-art of desalination membrane;Dr. Qiu Xuchun, from Kyushu University, Japan:Application of the accelerated failure time (AFT) model in ecotoxicology; Dr. Liu Jun, from Abo Akademi University, Finland:Biomass waste utilization: from waste to value-added green products). The PG students’ presentations were made by 7 overseas students, of which 5 were doctor students and 2 were master students, and by 8 Chinese students, of which 1 was a doctor student and 7 were master students. The 15 students were those who had been carefully chosen from 60 candidates by the academic committee of the forum. The PG students presented mainly their own research progress and results. The topics were various, including environmental materials and their pollution degradation mechanism, toxicity and mechanism of pollutants, microbial fuel cells, rapid analysis of pollutants, sustainable development of water resources in “One Belt, One Road” countries, etc. The question-and-answer session and the excellent comments by the judges and experts deepened the understanding of participants on various topics. All benefited a lot from the forum, which was an academic display of different research fields and a platform for the collision, communication and integration of different academic ideas and research methods.

The specially invited report by Dr. Liu Gang, from Delft University of Technology, Holland

Through careful discussion, the Judge Panel decided on the overall best prize, the 1st prizes, the 2nd prizes, and the 3rd prizes. In the closing ceremony, all the prizes were awarded to the students (The overall best student was Saeed Rana Muhammad Yousaf , a 2nd-grade PG student from Pakistan, and the title of his presentation was Microflower like β-Bi2O3/g-C3N4 photocatalyst for removal of organic dye). Professor Sun Jianzhong, Director of Biofuels Institute of Jiangsu University, Chairman of the Judge Panel, doctoral supervisor, made the academic summary. He hoped that the Chinese and foreign postgraduate students could broaden the research ideas through the academic exchanges and communication, which would be beneficial to their future jobs and lives.

The Chinese-foreign PG academic forum held by School of the Environment and Safety Engineering mainly includes the off-line forum, supplemented by the on-line forum (a WeChat group in which the Chinese and foreign postgraduate students, supervisors, and leaders of the school can conduct instant academic communication) and a series of English lectures given by domestic and overseas experts in different disciplines and research fields. The school will organize the forum annually in future. The main purposes of this academic series forum are:(1)To provide a platform of academic exchanges to promote exchanges and discussions between PG students in different research fields;(2)To get the knowledge of the frontiers of research fields by listening to experts’ speeches;(3)To enhance the school’s academic atmosphere, stimulate students' innovation, and improve academic quality. The forum is not only a preparation step for the Chinese-foreign PG academic forum held by Jiangsu University, but also an important measure taken by School of the Environment and Safety Engineering in order to improve the education quality of PG students and construct an internationalized research-oriented school.

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