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Engineering Seminar | My Engineering is the Best

‘Certificates gets you in the job but skill keeps you in the job’ said Mr Ernest Bonnah at the maiden edition of the "Engineering Seminar" which commenced on April 14th 2018.

The occasion was graced by Mr Wu from Overseas Education College and Mr Emmanuel Payne from School of Energy and Power. In attendance were 5 speakers representing different fields of Engineering. The out-going president, Sheila Chilonga in her opening remarks welcomed all the invited guests, students and introduced the new AIES executives.

The seminar strived to sensitize the audience on the essence of Engineering and it surely did not disappoint as each presenter attested why majoring in Engineering was one of the best decisions they ever made. The seminar comprised of two sessions; session one included provoking performances and superb presentations and the second session proceeded with a debate entitled “My engineering field is the best engineering field” The first presentation was given by Mr Jonathan Josephs from Civil Engineering. He gave tips on how to be an influential engineer which include: Leadership, Creativity, Critical thinking and communication. He also encouraged the students to improve their Chinese and associate in Belt and Road enterprise events.

Mr Emmanuel Baoteng from Mechanical Engineering gave the second presentation and emphasized that an Engineer should have basic knowledge of every other Engineering field and urged the students to excel in their reading and interpretation of drawings.

The third presentation was addressed by Mr Ernest Bonnah from Computer Science. He enlightened the audience that the reason why developed countries continue to develop is that whatever is being employed in industries is being taught in schools and he urged the students to take time to develop themselves.

Dr Haroon from field of Chemistry gave the fourth presentation and he elaborated on why Chemical engineering is one of the most important field there is and attested that all engineering fields belong to Chemical Engineering.

Mr Eric Mwanandiye from the field of Mathematics tried to make the audience understand that mathematics is the basics for all Engineers

The engineering seminar concluded with award giving to the debaters and the closing remarks were given by the new AIES president Samuel Soko.

Overall it was a successful event and we hope that there will be more of its kind

Reason Why My Engineering is the best engineer

My Engineering is the best engineering field because it is something of a jack of all trade –Beria Kasongo from Mechanical Engineering

Linus Pauling said “Only when I began studying chemical engineering at Oregon Agricultural College did I realize that I myself might discover something new about the nature of the world”- Samuel Selase Nyinaku from Chemical Engineering

My Engineering is the best engineering field because it allows me to work in any industry – Mvula Kiyambu Paul from Computer Science

Civil Engineering facilitates and sustains the growth of some of the world’s most developed metros by making possible the design and construction of structures that can accommodate a large population over a small area making success to a large workforce easy – Adibaku Raymond from Civil Engineering

Writer: François

Photos: Peter Kaba, Olive Media

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