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OEC Annual Football Tournament | Match 1 & 2

As a tradition, the OECians always have their yearly football tournament. This year, this annual event started with the newest team on board facing their comrades on pitch. On April 14th, 2018, the Los Blancos (2016/17) batch and Underdogs (2017/2018) batch teams were all set to kick off this year’s tournament. Regardless of the drizzly morning, the team players were set to go ahead with the game. At around 11:15 am the game was kicked off with the players exhibiting lots of strength and much need to hit into the each other’s goal, with the spectators eagerly watching the game commence and waiting for the best moment in the game.

Carrying on with the game, the Underdogs decided to pull through the gears as they spilled a low shot that palmed into the Blues’ goal. This caused more heat to rise up in the game as the Reds started having a taste of victory ahead of them. Regardless of being a brand new team, the underdogs proved to have their young talents at hand during the game. As much as the Blues tried their best to score into their opponent’s goal, it seems like the odds were simply against them. The game was closed off with the underdogs taking a 4-0 win over the Los Blancos.

The goal scorers were; Imran, Muna-2, Sisco and the man of the match; Kendo

The second game was between Paladins F.C (2014/15) and Elite F.C (2015/16) and this brought many spectators to a bet as much more action and the Cristiano talent was being anticipated from the players. The game was kicked off at 2:00pm and this was the start of a fine piece of play from the energetic players. Shortly into the game, the Paladins took control over the game as they scored their first goal. Keeping up with the team work and perseverance, the players managed to keep the game both interesting and more tactical. The teams managed to drill home a fine low finish with a 3-3 equalizer letting their fans fill up with more excitement as they await the next fixtures.

The goal scorers were; Paladins (Momo-2, Rodrigues-1)

Elites (Ftouhee, Kingdom, Solomon)

Man of the match; Solomon

Writter: Kayima Viola (Olive Daily, Olive Media)

Photography: Lyssa Limbo (Olive Daily, Olive Media)

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