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Training for Newly Elected Student Leaders | Ready Now!

On April 10th and 11th, 2018, a training workshop with 4 sessions was held for the newly elected student leaders in the agenda to introduce the leaders to their responsibilities and even to encourage them as they prepare to lead their fellow students.

These topics taught were timely because the leaders needed them for their effectiveness as they prepare themselves to take on the responsibilities of leadership as true servant leaders who are willing to put the interests of students before theirs.


Student leaders were encouraged the leaders to work together with the OEC for smooth and enjoyable services to the student’s body. He encouraged them to involve OEC in their affairs for advice whenever they face challenges OEC. By understanding the working regulation, we hope for mutual benift and success!


Student leaders learned what is Leadership, Leadership Process, what is involved in leadership, What is Transformation Leadership, How to be a Great Leader of influence, Leader’s Responsibility to Motivate his or her team members and How do you Motivate Your Team to stay Focused.


It is a good presentaion about Basic Concepts to Know what is Time Management, Why Time Management?, and What to do and He mentioned things like Develop Schedules, Set Goals, Plan how to achieve goals, Prioritize activities to activities to achieve the goals and finally he used Covey’s Time Management Matrix.


Ms. Cai Zhaohui, the Vice Dean of OEC participated in the Exchange program and made a brief statement as to the purpose of the exchange program and the way forward into the future in guiding the development of such event. Subsequently, the Chinese and the foreign student associations introduced themselves and had special activities and games to commemorate the day. In the process of free communication between Chinese and foreign students gave them a deeper understanding of the variety of meaningful, large-scale activities of the community, and the difficulties and problems encountered by students in this process. The students gave their opinions on the issue and the way forward. This exercise helped the students' oral expression ability and the reaction ability, and it also makes the evening atmosphere reaches the climax with excitement.

The seminar, to build a platform for Chinese and foreign students cadres to share the successful experience of excellent community, provided both sides face-to-face interaction opportunities, deepen understanding and enhance the friendship between Chinese and foreign students.

In conclusion, the workshop went on well. The leaders liked the idea of having this kind of workshops before start leading their Associations since it calls for total commitment and responsibility.

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08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

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