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OECians at 2018 Commencement | Every End Has a New Beginning

22ndJune, 2018, brought joy and smiles on the faces of all graduands of the Jiangsu University (JSU) especially the over 100 OECians, who were all formally dressed and looked like professional.

It was that time of the year again, when college graduates put on those awkward gowns and head off to the Jiangsu University Gymnasium for the 2018 commencement. At 9am, all the graduands sat in the huge Gym hall waiting to grab their respective degrees ranging from Ph.D. to Bachelors and also meet up with their families and friends while listening to distinguished speakers dispense timeless wisdom and advice.

The event was also graced by parents of many OEC graudands as well. Coming from very far places to witness the proud moments.

The first speech of the day came from the Vice-President of JSU - Li Hongbo, who said at the end of every school year, a massive event in students'careers takes place: Graduation Ceremony. This celebration marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new reality for many students – the professional environment. The Vice-President again said, the path at 22 for most graduands will not necessarily be their path at 32 or 42. One's dream is constantly evolving, rising and falling, changing course…Whatever you think your dream is now, it will probably change, and that's OK. He advised all to make use of time and make hay whiles the sun is still shinning.

Prof. Yan Xiaohong President of Jiangsu University then followed up with his address to all the graduands. Prof. Yan Xiaohong said graduation is a grand ceremony meant to celebrate an individual's academic achievements. It's the time when all those sleepless nights and random breakdowns become all worth it. Students, faculty members, and parents are acknowledged for their never ending support and constant effort. It can also be the most memorable yet sentimental day of a person's life. The President advised that, we touch other people's lives simply by existing, but we do not need magic to transform our world, we carry everything we need inside ourselves already, we have the power to imagine better.

Prof. Yan Xiaohong ended his speech by congratulating all students for their hard work and said when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, find the surface and breathe again.

Other speeches came from the undergraduate representative - Yang Zhe, and Mr. Thep who represented the OECians. Mr. Thep made his speech in Chinese which got applaud from the attendees. He said, change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program and it requires organizing. Passion is vital, but you have got to have a strategy. Thep then congratulated all and ended by saying small and steady steps can be quite big and spectacular, because they move you to a bigger place.

In the afternoon session, OECians attended the degree awarding ceremony. It was a proud moment, not only for the graduands, but also for all staff, friends and family. The pictures speak more...

On behalf OEC, we congratulate all graduands and say have no limits – Bravo !!!!!

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