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JEWELS Prepare Handmade Cards as Presents for Teachers Day

10th of September is celebrated as Teacher's day all over China every year. It says 'Jiāo Shi' Is a teacher, 'Jie' is a festival and 'Kuài le' is happiness. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.

So on this teacher's day, Jewels Ladies association, supported by OEC, led the OECians in giving our teachers heartily tribute for their hard efforts of shaping our future!

Monday 10 September was a day of filled with lots of joy, happiness and enthusiasm as students surprised some of the teachers by showing appreciation to the teachers through presentation in the form of gift cards. The beautiful cards were handmade by crafty Jewels.

It started as early as 8:30 am and lasted through out the day. Teachers being caught unaware during their lectures, in their offices and during practical classes. It was filled with emotions as teachers could not hold in their joy towards such gesture.

Teacher is an important person in the life of a student who gives a strong shape to his whole life with his knowledge, patience, love and care. Many good teachers are also the best friends of their students who help them in deciding their career and true path in the life. Indeed good teachers are a rare breed, and no one deserves bigger thanks than them.

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