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3rd Model United Nations | Gender Equality

Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. In recent times, 1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15-49 have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-month period. Currently 49 countries have no laws protecting women from domestic violence. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. While the world has achieved progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals, women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Women, when they are empowered, are allowed to achieve all their goals through whatever means they wish, through working in whichever profession they desire, or even staying at home, if that is what they want. When women feel that they are empowered, it can have a great impact on a country’s economy, growth, and development.

On Saturday, October 20, 2018, the International Business Students’ Association (IBSA) held their Third Annual Model United Nations (MUN) to put forward their ideas about this issue that is affecting the world. After the introduction by the moderator of the day, Mr. Dennis Khembo, the patron of IBSA, Professor Ding Guo Ping did the welcome by making reference to the fact that everyone in attendance can be viewed as a part of a small United Nations, as they were all members of different countries gathered in one place to discuss an important issue, which is comparative to the actual United Nations. He encouraged everyone that they are the future of the world and they must do what is necessary to improve upon the issues that are affecting the world, especially as it relates to gender equality and women’s rights.

The presentations commenced after establishing the agenda to discuss the topic of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. When it comes to gender parity, Iceland, Norway and Finland rank at the top, whilst Yemen and Pakistan rank within the bottom ten. 27 delegates all dressed in formal attire rose to the occasion by putting forth convincing arguments to asset their country or organization’s stance and defend their policies on the gender debate whilst also offering creative, well thought out solutions and recommendations. The delegates as well as the audience were allowed to ask questions to the delegate on stage regarding their presentation. Issues regarding women in rural areas, equal rights and opportunities for women and men, gainful employment for women, greater access to education, female marginalization and gender discrimination were all discussed at length.

Whilst the judges tabulated the results, the delegates were separated into two groups to put forward a debate on the topic: “Discuss climate change and the reasons or human activities that cause global crisis and what can people do about this.” After the debate the awards were presented. The crème de la crème of the presentations were the delegates of Liberia, Finland and Slovenia who were presented with the first, second and third place prizes respectively. The delegate of Slovenia, Mr. Christian Mulbah, offered a very charismatic and impassioned speech about what can be done to improve the role of women in Slovenia and the world, so that women may be able to live in a world where they are educated and less likely to be harassed. The representative of Finland, Ms. Gugulethu Jemaine Nyathi offered a very poised and articulate speech about the current state of gender parity that exists in Finland and how the country hopes to continue to be the pioneer in gender equality. The best speaker for the day, Ms. Lujain Farhat, the representative of Liberia, managed to edge out the competition not just by sticking to the facts and quoting statistics but appealing to the emotions of every single person in the room through her “I wish I was born a boy and not a girl” spiel, she also managed to tackle the questions that were posed to her in a very confident, coherent and eloquent manner.

All in all it is safe for us to conclude that those in attendance found the event enjoyable, entertaining and informative. Special thanks must be made to the IBSA patron, Mr. Ding Guo Ping, the judges, Dr Siba, Dr. Ade and Ms. Sun Jianying, and the delegates, the audience and the executive members of IBSA who ensured that this event was a resounding success.

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