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5th PG "Cross Culture Park"| Made in China

  Graduate Student Union of school of Civil Engineering and Mechanics and Graduate Student Union of school of Foreign languages held the postgraduate “Cross Culture Park” communication activity (the fifth phase), which is on the subject of “Made in China”. 

 The activity achieved its desirable goals. About 50 graduate students were invited, including 30 Chinese students and 20 overseas students. Firstly, hosts introduced the topic of the activity. Then, volunteers from china and other countries made wonderful presentations to tell about their favorite Chinese products, such as Huawei mobile phone, C919 aircraft, High-speed railway. Besides, there was an interactive game called “listening and telling”, which can let the overseas students experience the charm of Chinese songs. Finally, Overseas and Chinese graduate students had a discuss about the effect of Chinese products on China and even the whole world recently and can discuss the relationship between the “Made in China” and the “Created in China”. Students took active participations in the discussion and made some excellent speeches. 

  At the end of the activity, all participants took group photographs together to commemorate the fantastic afternoon. It was a successful activity, which can promote the cultural exchanges between graduate students from China and foreign countries, and fully demonstrated the advantages of being a “high-level, distinctive and international research” university.

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