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Nice to Meet You | Freshmen Welcome Event by HeART

How do you feel when you get to a place where no one seems to welcome you?What will be your imagination when your neighbors don’t recognize your presence?What strange feelings will you experience at this critical situation?

However, the Culture in Jiangsu University is hospitable, welcoming and accommodative. On Sunday October 14, 2018 at the e OEC building (R 115) between the hours of 18:00 to 19:30, the HeART Association organized a “Nice to meet you” event to welcome freshers and create an atmosphere where each and every participant can have the opportunity to socialize, interact with friends and adapt with campus lifestyle.

The program commenced with the introduction of HeART executives. Afterwards, Moses Kwaku Golly - the vice president of HeART gave the welcome address and introduced the purpose of the program and the description of various activities within the program. The coordinator of the program, Desmond Antwi, divided the participants into groups of 10 each with a leader. The group leader was to facilitate discussion and explain procedures to members.

The first activity of the program was dubbed “self introduction”: In this activity, each member was to introduce him/herself and other group members. However, the trick was that, the next person was to repeat the introduction of the previous people before they introduced themselves. This activity was very much entertaining because people had to retain and produced information about all the group members. As a form of a competition, a member was randomly selected from each group to introduce all members by mentioning exactly their names, country and major. All the groups performed marvelously well.

Next activity was “paint your emotions”. Participants were given cards and color pencils to draw and paint anything from their imagination. Some drew flowers, homes, love etc with a word attached. This activity was to help members get in touch with their feelings. I was mesmerized by the level of creativity displayed in the art works.

The last activity was “charade” (Pick and act): In this activity, each group selected two members to represent them. One picks and act what is written on the piece of paper whiles the other guessed the body language. Some acted “I love Jiangsu University”, “We are one family”, “Nice to meet you” among others. Laughter and smiles were traced on the faces of the participants.

Three groups qualified to the final stage of this activity with ultimately crowning the winning group. The program ended around 19:30 with cheers, excitements and positive feedback from the participants. The designs were distributed as souvenirs among the participants. Over 120 people participated in the program. It was a fun filled activity.

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