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9th PG "Cross Culture Park" | Vehicles in My Country

 The ninth “Cross Culture Park”, sponsored by the Graduate Association of Automobile and Transportation Engineering of Jiangsu University, was successfully held in the international canteen at 3 pm on November 14.

  At the beginning, the host introduced the theme of the activity as "Vehicles in My Country", and explained the purpose of the activity to exercise the postgraduates' English communication ability and enrich their extracurricular life. Then, the six groups discussed the theme freely and exchanged the influence of vehicles on themselves.

  Then the six groups selected six representatives to introduce the group's discussion. The elaborate preparation and excellent speeches of the representatives from each group won the applause of everyone. A foreign student also introduced the large-scale ships in his country and his unique experience with them. It was a happy and enthusiastic exchange. 

 After the exchange, we organized an interesting game "Name of Country". Chinese and foreign game hosts described a country in Chinese and English respectively. Each of them asked 10 questions. Every group selected one Chinese student and one foreign student as participants. When the host asked questions in Chinese, foreign players rushed to answer in Chinese. When the host asks questions in English, Chinese students answered in English. This form of game successfully enables two participants in each group to help each other and improve their language ability. The game is very active and everyone is very happy.  This event promotes the cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign graduate students, shares the library culture of countries around the world, and expresses ideas and ideas for the future development direction of libraries. Participants have gained a better understanding of the library culture of other countries while exercising their English proficiency, and have promoted the exchange and interaction between our graduate students and overseas students.

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