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7th PG "Cross Culture Park" | Library in My Eyes

The seventh ”Cross Culture Park” was successfully held in the oversea student canteen at 3:00 pm Oct. 31st. Department of postgraduate Students Affairs of Jiangsu University Party Committee, The Youth League Committee of Jiangsu University, Overseas Education School of Jiangsu University are sponging this event, and School of Energy and Power Engineering graduate student union and Institute of Science and Technology Information graduate student union was in charge of this event.

At the beginning of the event, the host introduced the theme of the event “Library in My Eyes” and explained that the purpose of the activity is to focus on the cultural of academic library, helping the students better understand the library, love the library, cultivate a harmonious campus, and explore the future direction of the library. Then, graduate students from China, Pakistan, Ghana and other countries shared their views on the library and the basic direction of the future development of the library.

After a brief view sharing, the graduate students joined an game "constructing your tower" to get the topic of the subsequent speech. The students are very committed and active. The topics of the speech include my story with the library, the future library in my mind, about document retrieval you should know, how much do you know about the function of the library, and how to read a large number of documents in order? The students expressed their opinions and talked freely. Finally, this cross-cultural park ended in a wonderful speech.

This event promotes the cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign graduate students, shares the library culture of countries around the world, and expresses ideas and ideas for the future development direction of libraries. Participants have gained a better understanding of the library culture of other countries while exercising their English proficiency, and have promoted the exchange and interaction between our graduate students and overseas students.

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