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JEWELS' Good Time with Children @ Social Work Center

With the rapid development and urbanization, there has also been an increase in the number of parents engaging in work having the inability to spend more time and take care of their child(ren). This results in formation of a special juvenile group “The Left behind Children/The Abandoned Children/The Forgotten Children”, which we can also find in Zhenjiang region, such a group of lovely children.

It was a delightful Sunday on December 2, 2018 when the OEC JEWELS, School of Medicine Youth Association and Zhenjiang Benevolence Social Work Center jointly sponsored by the "Medical Heart Warm Winter Line Series of Activities Love Run Left Bud" set out to the Zhenjiang Renai Social Work Center in Shiyezhou and successfully carried out aseries of engaging activities with these children in order to shed some light to the children' s lives by providing them with cordial company, sharing practical knowledge and at the same time, arousing a people's caring heart for the children left behind, advocating for a volunteer spirit.

28 college student volunteers embarked on a 30 kilometers trip to Shiyezhou village. A group of lovely children, lively in nature came to meet them with joy, astonished to see a group of strange faces they did not have the slightest idea of.

The event officially began with a warm welcome from the center’s guidance counsellors and children. The volunteers ofthe Youth Association initiated the activity with guidelines about the use of multimedia for children and explaining on the basics of daily eye protection and teeth hygiene. This was to encourage the children to adopt good habits and protect themselves against the hazardous changes of weather.

Educational cartoons were also played toteach the children safety education such as how to cope with anti-fraud and anti-trafficking cases and skills. The Volunteers Association members, JEWELS ladies and organizers set up situational problems to let the children put themselves in a place to think about how to intelligently respond to scam in order to protect themselves. It was quite surprising and breathe taking to find how smart and observant the children were, although they are just in fourth and fifth grade. They were able to think about the comprehensiveness and details ofthe problem. Their responsiveness and active participation taught the volunteers and organizers present that these children should not be separated from family-hood, schools and society, and most importantly, should not be deprived from education and should be engaged in more social activities. After all, these children are the future,their education should not be taken lightly.

Finally, the children together with the Chinese and JEWELS volunteers played some interactive games and had fun. At the same time they also had the privilege to improve their English speaking and learn some overseas culture. The eventful day was closed with a plethora of group pictures.

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