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Overseas Students of Jiangsu University Join in Experience Activities in Enterprises

On 10thDecember, 21 students of Jiangsu University Overseas Education Collage were invited to some enterprises in Zhenjiang new district to experience corporate culture and understand relevant policies.

First of all, the overseas students came to visit the material processing workshop of Zhenjiang Naisi Advanced materials Co., Ltd. to learn about the new material production process and its advanced technology. At the same time, the staff explained more details about the questions asked by the students to let them make more deeper understanding about the production steps. After that, they also visited the CECEP Solar Energy Technology(ZhenJiang) Co.,Ltd. They made more detailed understanding about the development prospects of the technology of the solar energy industry through the workshop visit, video explanation, interaction of questioning and answering etc. Leaders of these companies also said that they welcome overseas students to their companies for internships. Through the practicing, they can bring solar technology back to their motherlands to promote the global progress development of the solar energy industry. Therefor, we can do our bits to protect the environment and build a better future for mankind.

It is reported that there are many policies introduced this year including some relevant preferential policies for overseas students. We can attract more outstanding overseas students to start business in the new district of Zhenjiang by introducing more various companies to them. What’s more, it will attract more investment for the economic construction and promote the development of countries along the "Going out" Strategies and and the“Belt and Road”.

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