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Overcoming Culture Shock | A HeART Initiative

The memorable event took place at the 3rd auditorium of the of Jiangsu University Conference center on 25th November 27, 2018 at 6:30pm. The program was aimed to create a desirable platform where students meet to discuss some challenging situations or unfamiliar cultures they came across. It involved students sharing their experiences about some peculiar situations they faced in China and how they successfully coped with those moments. The end of events, the invited resource persons gave their advice on how to cope with such situations especially in China. The program helped many students in overcoming Culture shock and homesickness as well as adapting to the life in Jiangsu University and china as a whole.

The program begun with a welcome address and the introduction of invited guests by Mr. Moses Golly-the Vice president of the Association. Afterwards, the MC, Desmond Antwi, invited 6 students (both Chinese and Overseas students) to share their culture shock experiences. This facilitated and promoted cross-culture relationships as it helped both Chinese and foreign students to understand what they both see as “strange” in other cultures. In sharing their culture experiences, they generally mentioned some ‘unexpected’ situations they came across and didn’t understand in the beginning, but as they tried to learn and adapt to the new environment, they gradually overcame those shocks.

To spice-up the occasion, a musical and poem interludes were interjected within the program to entertain the audience. The participants were also given the opportunity to share their experiences.

After, the resource persons, Miss Befu, and Dr. Mahmud Abdul-Nazif were invited to give technical advice from the field of Psychology about such situations. Miss. Berfu made emphasis on understanding the chines language and its etiquettes is very crucial for breaking culture shock. She also added that we should focus on similarities rather than differences in cultural exchange.

Dr. Mahmud Abdul-Nazif advised the audience about the tolerance and respect for other believes and norms which can create a smooth environment for understanding each other’s culture.

Finally, Dr. Ade stressed on calling for help when one is in a critical situation to help to present emotional disturbances. He then ended his speech by referring participants to his newly launched book discussed some relevant guides on how to overcome culture shock.

The program successfully ended around 8:30pm with award presentations and groups photograph.

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