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Seminar on Int'l Business by School of Management | IBSA

As one of its series of academic programs to improve the students understanding of how international business operates, and give participants the opportunity to interact with international business expert, the School of Management with International Business Students Association (IBSA) invited a renowned business professor to throw more light on the above topic.

As scheduled, the program was hosted by IBSA x School of Management studies of Jiangsu University in Sanjiang building-Room 1501 on 13th November, 2018 at 2:40pm. Before the commencement of the program, the hall was almost full to capacity.

After the welcoming address and the introduction of the speaker, Prof. Dr. Markus Prandini-Head of Center for Asia Business from Switzerland began his lecture.

In the beginning, he made mention that business is a globally or internationally related affairs. He symbolized the operation of international Business to the Discovery of the South Pole in 1912. Two groups of discoverers made up of 2 offices with their team and entourage set for the discovery by using 2 different routes. One group reached the destination and came back safely whiles the other group fell short of resources in an unfriendly weather condition and there therefore died on the way-not-completing the voyage.

Based on the above analogy, he asserted that before one begins to explore international business, one needs to know:How to enter a foreign country or enterpriseThe right resource and persons to use In addition, he mentioned that international business involves cross boarder economics, special challenges and complex environment. Therefore one needs to critically analyze all this factors before pursuing international business. The purpose of his lecture was to understand the business environment and how it influences local firms. This goal can generally be achieved by:Assessing and selecting the targeted market in line with the local firm’s objectivesDevelopment of basic strategies for international business issues As the program progressed successfully, he enlightened participants about how to “go international” by illustrating the internationalization framework, Synthesizing the drivers of international business and explain some layers of the international business environment.Furthermore, he presented two cases of international business and quizzed participants about how to address such risks.

He ended the lecture by telecasting an interesting video on some mind-boggling facts and the trend of internationals business. He later engaged participants to deliberate on how to enter a foreign market in china and Europe.

The lecture was interesting and the coordinator said the Professor will be invited again some other time. Students were happy for the benefits they tapped from the program which successfully ended at 3:45pm.

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