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Huge Response for HIH Movie Night (Show 1)

Hand in Hand organized its first movie night on Saturday 10th November 2018, which was based on selection. The movie selected was “Don’t Breathe” and was successful with a number of students in attendance, Chinese students inclusive.

Don’t Breathe is a horror thriller and a fairly dark film, taking place primarily at night and inside a poorly lit home. There's no missing its 1080p brilliance and Hand in Hand’s choice of classroom set-up for theatre-like environmental feeling was not something to missed out. The students were thrilled and excited. The purpose of this small activity was to relax the tedious/intensive days of studies and refresh the mind while chewing some popcorns and sipping hot chocolates on a chilly weather.

It is a brilliantly handled movie of most intense pieces of horror, suspense, the goose-bump chills in the pin-drop silent scenes, the jumps scares, funny and grieving scenes that splatter across the big screen.

Mostly, it is a movie with its solid suspense, murky lighting and “gotcha!” scares and nerve-frying which the plot was made to trap us in their vise. Throughout the intense tights, the movie didn’t clarify to whose side we should be on, adding another layer of suspense to an already spine-jangling story.

Many thanks to Hand in Hand Association and its branch Discover Initiative for this initiative and hope we have more fun filled activities in the days ahead.

Stay tuned for the upcoming movie selection!

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08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

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