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2018 Shimmering Jewels | Espy Your Inner Mogul

The inventive ladies of the Jewels Association organized an intriguing, energetic and inspiring evening of coffee and discussions on the 15th of December at the Teachers’ Activity Center.

The night had a rainy start, but after a brief intro from MC Kweku who gave a video roll out of the students who would be leading the discussions for the evening, everything was well on its way. The Vice Dean and also JEWELS Ladies Association Matron, Ms. Cai, then gave some uplifting words in her opening remarks by stating that “both sexes having equal rights is not the end of the story. We must remember that we should use these rights for the better by developing ourselves holistically.” And that we should remember “a mother’s vision decides her children’s vision” therefore moguls are all around us.

A mogul is defined as an influential and powerful person who is driven by skill and experience. Embodying this description are Miss Prudent, Miss Nothabo, Miss Naomi and Mr Chuulu who led the panel discussion of the night. Special presentations were also given by Miss Aisha Thompson (Etiquette) and Mr Rodrick (Realising the right opportunity to take).

Six questions were posed to the panel. These were;

(1) How to handle failure?

Consensus: Understand what failure means to you, how it will impact your progress and be careful with your mentality.

(2) What determines how you choose friends?

Consensus: Choose like minded people who will help you to achieve your goals.

(3) Bad days, what pushes you through?

Consensus: Keep busy doing things you love and not things that will harm you.

(4) How do you want to be remembered?

Consensus: A happy person who went for all I wanted.

(5) How to start a business and how to be successful ?

Consensus: Ensure you are aiming for things YOU want. Start small. Work smart.

(6) What are the daily things you do that enhance the results people see?

Consensus: Research, planning and following a positive routine.

Also mentioned were: “be selfless” (Naomi), “invest in those around you” (Prudent), “be direct and know what you want, set goals for yourself” (Chuulu) and “be driven, aim to reach your full potential” (Nothabo).

The panel discussion then closed and was followed by performances by Kenzo and Rudolph during which refreshments were served.

Next up was Mr Rodrick who shared a personal story to encourage the audience to be mindful of our inner circle of friends and realise the right opportunities to take as students.

Mr. Ade gave the closing remarks by saying “when choosing paths think about the architect and the laborer. The architect does less work and earns more. Why? Power of education and developed mental abilities.”

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