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OECian Mansur @ "1st Int'l Students’ Eco. & Env. Forum"

On December 13, 2018, the first International Student Environmental Ecology Forum was held in Yingdong Academic Hall of Beijing Normal University. The conference was co-sponsored by the Environmental School of Beijing Normal University, the International Exchange and Cooperation Division of Beijing Normal University and co-organized by the State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation.

An OECian-Mansuur Husein, School of the Environment and safety engineering from Ghana represented Jiangsu University in this unprecedented and historical environmental event.

Professor Xu Linyu, Vice-President of the Environment School presided over the program. Also, Prof. Cui Baoshan, Dean of the Environment College, Mr. Zheng Zhen, representative of the International Exchange and Cooperation Branch, Professor Li Yongping of the Environmental Institute and Professor Carlo Gutieri of Italy, addressed the audience in their presentations on topics related to the environment.

The Forum had four (4) major themes: sustainable use of resources, environmental pollution control in countries, global response to climate change, environmental ecological policy and management, and a poster presentation at the main venue. More than 100 international students from Beijing Normal University, Jiangsu University, Tianjin University, Nankai University, Chinese Academy of Sciences University, Northeast Normal University, Dalian University of Technology, China Address University, Haihe University, East China Normal University, Donghua University and other universities came to share their research results. It involved students from China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Tanzania, Ethiopia and other countries in the field of environmental ecology.

The opening ceremony and the key note speeches took place in the morning from 8:30am to 10:30am. Afterwards, students were divided into four groups. Two groups presented in the morning whiles the remaining 2 also delivered their presentations in the afternoon. There was a short coffee break followed by the 2 minutes poster presentations and voting.

Mansuur Husein from Jiangsu University presented in the morning on the topic; Water Pollution Control: A critical factor for Sustainable Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). He also had the opportunity to present a poster.

After scores by the judges of the Forum and voting by all participants, excellent oral presentations and excellent posters were selected. Professor Xu Linyu, the Secretary-General of the Forum Organizing Committee, presented the prizes to the award winners.

Mansuur Husein won 3rd prize for oral presentation and his poster was adjudged one of the best.

The program successfully ended a group 5:00pm with group photos.

The First International Student Environment Ecology Forum not only promoted the academic level of international students, but also provided a good platform for international students to exchange culturally and academically. It was a wonderful experience and urge environmental science students to join the forum next year.

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