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6th Life Builder Conference on "Dream to succeed, together we can"

  A motivational speech is most effective when it’s tailored to fit the audience, If you want to achieve your goals and dreams in life, you need to wake up and go beyond your comfort zone. We all have a zone of comfort, which is comprised of a consistent set of beliefs and behaviour that we’ve grown accustomed to.

   The 6th Life Builder Conference which was held on the 13th -14th of December 2018, brought to light that, when we live in a comfort zone, we feel safe, but the problem with this place is that nothing ever grows here. Life becomes predictable. If you don’t go beyond your comfort zone you will never be able to become the person that you aspire to be. ‘Sometimes growth and comfort do not co-exist’

    The theme for this year’s program “Dream to Succeed together we  can” commenced at the Post graduate Auditorium at 6:00pm. The occasion was graced with internal and external dignitaries including the president of Jiangsu University Professor Yan Xiaohang. The chairperson for this year who  was Mrs. Cai Zhaohui vice dean of OEC. She gave the opening remarks and the ceremony continued with Yueda Market Research Competition Awards Presentation.

Day 1

13th December

   At 6:30pm, Dr. Abdul Nazif, the first speaker presented on the topic the “Power of Imagination.” Elaborating on the use of the mind’s eye as the grounds for imagination and the use of it  to stimulate success creation, he went on to state the use of what he called the “4Cs”, critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creation to materialize our imaginative thoughts.

   The second presentation for the day was by Professor Wang Changda, the Vice Dean of the Post Graduate School who presented on the topic ”A remarkable blueprint for your future.” In order to have a remarkable blueprint, we should be knowledgeable, work hard for ourselves not expecting to be spoon-fed always and also seek the truth in both our failure and success. “Who you are is more important than who knows you.” He said, emphasizing the point who we are could deem us fit for anything because we can prove ourselves eventually. 

   The day’s program came to a close with the interactive session where students interacted with the speakers. 

Day 2

14th December

   The two day life builder conference ended on the friday,14th of December, 2018. Between 5:30pm to 6:00pm,students took their seats in the hall as the program opened with a few questions from the MCs on the previous day’s presentations.

   At 6:20,the first speaker Mr. Ernest Bonnah mounted the podium as he shared his thoughts on the topic; Confederacy, the framework for working together. In his speech he stated the three essentials for cooperating with others and these were definite direction which is not based on individual interest ,emotions or culture, secondly a strong structure and thirdly a good support system. ”We always think there is a war between us and them, forgetting that we all (you and I) make the them”, he said and with these words he sensitized the audience that  humanity is working towards a common goal and hence should not work against each other but rather work together.

   Next was a presentation by Miss Ingrid who elaborated on the agricultural value chain, our individual roles in it irrespective of our fields and the opportunities available for students.

   Mr. Li Peng, a representative of manpower Ltd further went on to tell the audience about the opportunities provided by his company that is available to students. The audience was then allowed to interact with Mr. Li Peng and Dr. Cui, vice dean of OEC in-charge of internship and entrepreneurship opportunities.

   The conference came to a successful end with the closing remarks by the chairperson Mrs. Cai and the vote of thanks by Max Sali.

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