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2019 JSU's New Year Party for Overseas Students

Spring festival is known as the biggest and most important festival in the whole of China. It is the time of the year where people meet with their families and celebrate this event.

As a family that stands as one team with one dream, we as OECians celebrated a brilliant Spring Festival Party which was held on the 20th of January. The festival was filled with life, fun and joy as more than 400 overseas students filled the venue with expectancy of the outcome of the party.

In the presence of honourable dignitaries: JSU president Yan Xiaohong; Secretary of the Propaganda Department Jin Lifu, Vice Captain of Zhenjiang Entry-Exit Administration Detachment Mr. Luo Jing, Director of JSU Student Affairs Yang Daojian, Secretary of the League Committee of the University Wang Limin; OEC Dean Mrs. Gao Jing.

The spring festival party commenced with a wonderful address by the Vice Dean of OEC,Ms. Cai Zhaohui, who gave us a brief introduction about the Spring Festival and encouraged us to enjoy ourselves.

The whole party was full of excitement and joy. The dance of Bangladesh and India is full of exotic customs, the teacher's Qipao show is beautiful, and the Chinese classic song Nanniwan is warm and melodious. In addition, the party interspersed with games and red envelopes, bringing the atmosphere of the whole party to its climax. Later, foreign students also learned the Chinese traditional paper-cut.

In the other side, dumpling making competition were carried out where near 80 students and staff applied to compete in groups. Students enjoyed making the dumplings and also used their own ideas and styles to make creative shapes. The competition lasted for over 30 mins and awards were given to “Best dumpling makers”, “Most dumpling makers”, “Most creative dumplings”.

Spring Festival is all about being generous and giving red envelopes filled with money (hongbao) thus OEC decided to share the same spirit of culture and give out hongbao to the overseas students. But here comes the interesting part of it. It was given out in a Lucky Draw which made all very excited.

In the end, as it is in traditions, dumplings were made and shared to all overseas students to enjoy.

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