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Mendeley Software Training | by PG Academic Club


Did you know you can find 100s of jobs on this application?

Did also know it is user friendly for all devices?

Wrapping up its end of semester activities and ushering the New Year with a spectacular activity, the Jiangsu University PG academic club organized an ICT seminar on MENDELEY software. The event took place at 2:00pm on 2nd January, 2019 in PG Building (Room 117).

The president of the Association and the instructor, Dr. Haroon shared the link for downloading and steps for registering the software prior to the lessons in various WeChat groups. In his introduction, he explained the purpose and usage of the software. MENDELEY software is advanced-integrated software for citations, publications, finding career opportunities and many more. It also provides the user with a range of options for import/export of references and managing documents which is also linked with EndNote, MS Word or other application.

After the introduction and ensuring everyone had the MENDELEY software successfully installed, Dr. Haroon begun the tutorials by helping the participants to sing up, navigate through the MENDELEY web and finally exploring various ways of using the MENDELEY desktop features.

The program was successful and participants had the opportunity to learn about the new software and it application especially in the academic arena. Also, Dr. Nana, the patron of the Association embraced the occasion to see the smooth progress of the event.

To ensure effectiveness of the program, Mr. Ferlix Nyarko and Mr. Gabo went round to assist the students, whiles the Dr. Haroon was demonstrating and monitoring. This helped the participants to follow the instructions accordingly.

The program was educative and interesting. Participants had proper training on the usage of the software application. All questions and concerns were appropriately addressed. The students also aimed for series of similar programs to facilitate their research and publications in future. The event successfully ended at 3:35pm.

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