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You’re Welcome | Freshmen Event by HeART

As an ushering program to welcome the anticipation and expectation of new OECians to adapt to life in Jiangsu University, “You’re welcome”-which was formally called “Nice to meet you” event with the slogan, ‘…just like home’ was organized. 

It is interesting to know that, some people are naturally socialites and like to interact or express themselves in all social endeavors. To some people, it’s a challenge to cope in a new environment. They sometimes find it difficult to relieve the stress off their shoulders whiles others try to look forward to take steps towards opening up their circles by making new friends. 

In line with the above, HeArts Association organized it's termly activity “You’re welcome” on  24th March 2019, at OEC 117 from 18:30-20:30. 

The fruitful event commenced by dividing participants into 6 groups to initiate social bonding. Moses, the head of HR introduced himself and explained what HeART stands for, and the purpose of the program.

The first session was assigning group leaders followed by self introductions and open discussions among the group members concerning the most interesting thing they experienced that particular day. To some, it was having their publication papers being rejected by the journals and to others, it was befriending a Chinese. At the end of the group discussion, the group leaders were asked to introduce and describe the individual interests of their group members.

During the 2nd session, everyone was given a sheet of paper and a marker to depict happiness at their home countries. It may include culture, games, food people etc. Afterwards, the sheet was passed on to the person seated next to them. The trend continued until they were asked to stop, then some participants were randomly selected to describe what was on the papers they held.

Furthermore, the 3rd session was about asking every group to describe what some things are, based on their understanding. Such as "Describe what happiness is", "What is homesickness and how to overcome it?", "How can one adapt to a new environment especially being surrounded by many people of different background(s)?" It was astonishing to know that everyone had answered that happiness is subjective and relative. Happiness is in us, and to one of the students, it was becoming a father recently.

In all, the discussion about happiness ended with the conclusion that, happiness is not only related to materialistic but it’s also the reflection of intangible elements such as mental health, self-esteem, dignity, self-contentment and free from anxieties among others.

The final session was the "Act it out". Each group performed by showcasing their talents such as singing, reciting poems, playing the loop game, and dancing.

Lastly, Miss Berfu Ucan, OEC counselor gave the closing remarks and reminded everyone not to carry the weights of their stress and problems on their shoulders alone, they can contact her to book an appointment for individual counseling. Her Office is at G6, room 103.

The program successfully ended at 8:00pm

Thank you


Writer: Mansuur Husein and Amina Abba El-Gujja (HeART Secretariat))

Media/Phography: Waqas Anwar and Prince Adanse

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