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Eagles Win 2nd in 2019 JSU Basketball Tournament (Females)

On Saturday the 13th of April, the OEC Eagles played in the Jiangsu University Basketball Final for the first time ever! They faced the School of Mechanical Engineering, a force known to be reckoned with over the years.

The intensity was high as both teams brought their A-game. All our players were in their best form of the season, with Mazvita scoring three 3-pointers. The atmosphere was tense as our girls gave the SME girls a run for their money; with the Eagles leading at the end of the first and third quarter. Unfortunately, we lost due to a technical error in the dying minutes of the game.

However, our very own OECians, Angela and Dallia tied for Top Scorer of the Game and Dallia was chosen as the Player of the Match. There were also notable assists from Mazvita and Sabrina, as well as some stellar defending from Eleanor John-Oti.

There were tears and smiles at the end of the game. The coach, Tatenda said he has never been more proud of his team than he was on that day. With more practice, next year the trophy will be going to the OEC Eagles without a doubt!

Photography Credits :

Grace Tshilumbu [AGpictures] and Tatenda Mallory

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