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OEC Dean's Fruitful Journey to the Continent of Africa

From March 27th to April 4th, a Jiangsu University (JSU) delegation, which consists of Prof. Gao Jing, the dean of Overseas Education College and Mr. Huo Jianwei, the deputy director of JSU General Office paid a visit to Zambia and Botswana, in order to promote “Study in JSU” programmes. During the visit in two African countries, JSU representatives tremendously extended the prestige of JSU and substantially fostered the collaboration with local government sectors as well education institutions of various levels. Now let us have a quick retrospect of the fruitful journey.


The tour began with a visit to the Ministry of Higher Education on 28th of March 2019, where the delegation met Mr. Mabvuto sakala, the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Higher Education, who is the administrative head/CEO of the Ministry in charge of all Universities & Colleges in Zambia.The meeting with PS was fruitful because he endorsed the relationship between Jiangsu University and the Zambian government and stated that government policy was leaning towards diversifying the economy through agriculture mechanization as well as value addition which was exciting because these were specialization programs at JSU. The Dean of OEC explained how JSU was keen to engage in academic partnership with African universities and that University was best known from agriculture mechanization which would be beneficial to whichever university would partner for capacity building. The PS also indicated that contacting the Universities directly would be meaningful.

By coincidence, the Vice Chancellor of The Copperbelt University, Professor Naison Ngoma as well as Professor Ngambi of Mulungushi University happened to be at his office and he immediately arranged the meeting for the delegation to discuss the collaborative programs for PHD programs for faculty staff to start the relationship and proposed that in future, they could make recommendations for students to be sent over to JSU. Proposals for blended programs were made and both Universities showed keen interest .

The delegation visited the Ministry of General Education, the ministry in charge of high schools on the same day and met with Mr. Shabukali David, the senior curriculum specialist, to introduce the English-taught undergraduate programs of JSU and the interest in partnership with high school.

The next meeting with University of Zambia Prof. Musa W. Dube, acting director of Office if International Education and Partnerships as well as key department heads, where the terms of MOU prepared the previous year were discussed as well as other collaborative PhD programs particular interest to PhD programs of traffic engineering for faculty members were the university expressed interest.

The following day (29th, March) consisted of visiting the cooperative company CAMCO and meeting with principles a secondary school or visiting the Great North Road Academy, and expression of interest for excellent students to be recommended to JSU.

The day ended with a cocktail dinner for JSU alumni and internship students in Zambia and they all agreed to leave the contact information for local people if they need to know anything about the education of JSU.


Monday early morning on the 1st of April, Dean Gao and a post graduate student by the name of Otsile Morake attended an interview at Botswana Television Station(BTV). The Dean shared her ideas and reason as to why she made a visit to Botswana followed by Mr. Morake sharing his story and opportunities encountered at Jiangsu University. It was with great pleasure for the Dean to be interviewed on the National Television of Botswana and creating awareness about Jiangsu University to the people of Botswana.

As per invitation, Mr. Oupa Masesane (Deputy Permanent Secretary) of Partnership department under the ministry of tertiary education, research, science and technology met with Mr. Huo Jianwei and Ms. GAO Jing. The meeting was productiveas discussions for possible partnerships and collaborations were discussed.

Jiangsu University had the opportunity to visit the Chinese embassy in Botswana where they met with the Director of Political Section (LI Han) and TANG Shujian. Discussions about opportunities in Botswana that Jiangsu University can partake in were held.

In University of Botswana, Jiangsu University had the opportunity to be hosted by the Acting Director Professor Musa W. Dube alongside the Deputy Dean (Dr. Peter. Sebina, PhD) and Associate Professor/Head Of Department, (Jerekias Gandure, PhD). The meeting was productive as discussions for possible partnerships, recruitment and collaborations were discussed.

JSU representatives were hosted by the acting Vice Chancellor Professor SJ NSOSSO together with his assistant Professor Samodimo Ngwako and few other deans from the Botswana University of Agriculture Natural Resources (BUAN). Being the only university offering agriculture and natural resources courses in Botswana led to a great deal of discussions as Jiangsu was highly interested in Agriculture related universities.

St. Josephs College being the best Government owned high school in Botswana, the JSU delegate had the opportunity to visit the school where the dean Ms. GAO gave a speech to an audience of 1700 students of St Josephs College followed by a speech by a former St Josephs student Mr. Otsile Morake who’s currently studying at JSU. The management of St Josephs College later held a meeting the deans of Jiangsu University to discuss further on partnership, recruitment and collaboration between the 2 parties.

The Dean and the Deputy Director of Jiangsu University met with the management of Rainbow High School led by the Principal Michael Sanassiee discussed partnership, recruitment and collaboration between the 2 parties. It was such a productive meeting as the management and students of Rainbow High School once visited China which made it easier for Jiangsu University and Rainbow High school to have further discussions on possible collaborations.

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