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2019 OEC Health and Safety Week | A Great Success

On April 8th the first ever OEC Health Week was kicked off to an amazing start with a Health Seminar. The health Seminar which was organized by IMSA in collaboration with Jewels Ladies Association was aimed at creating awareness about the very difficult issues plaguing us as students and as a foreign community generally. The seminar and entire Health week was aimed towards Antidrug campaign, HIV education and Drunkenness. 


The seminar which started about 6:30 pm was coordinated by MCs who were all members of both the organizing associations respectively.There was a brief introduction and launching the main event which was done by Afriyie Michael and Selina Vimbai. A brief introduction of the guest’s speakers was also done by the MCs.


 The first talk was by Wang Qijia, a member of the Traffic Brigade oF Zhenjiang Public Security. He spoke at a great length about the dangers of drunk -drive and penalties involved in being caught in such a situation. He also delighted us about the new traffic regulations concerning the use of E-bikes and the important licensing.The next speaker was Liu XiaoXia, from the Zhenjiang center of disease control. She brought to light all the dangers of transmitting HIV/AIDS and STDs prevention. She also enlighten us about the rising dangers and how we should be bold enough to be tested.Lastly, Chen LiangDa from the Jingkuo District Narcotics control office, gave about the dangers of drug abuse and the way to stay away from drugs.

In all, it was an exciting evening with a lot of enlightenment as well asa some goodies to take away. At the end of the night, the vote of thanks was given by IMSA Patron Mrs. Xu Xiao, who thanked all the guest speakers for the amazing talks and advice and also all the those who made it a point to be there and make the event a success.During this 6 days program a lot of actives went o starting from 6th April where all the medical and pharmacy students had fun games just to welcome the main events which was held on 8th - 13th April 2019. 

The main event was held on April 8th as day 1. On day 2 about 45 volunteers in their uniform cloth went class by class for the campaigning of STDs, Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and others, so many questions were asked and our volunteers ex-plain everything in simple ways to the expectations of the non-medical students. Day 3 and Day 4 also was awareness campaigning. The amazing things more than 85% entire students are happy about the event and still asking more questions and wishes IMSA and Jewels can continue educating them about how to level good and health life.On day 5 our volunteers managed to spread the information outside to all the various apartments including the Chinese locals. It was an eye saw how people were happy to receive the volunteers and spent their time with them just to hear the information.

Finally, on day 6, which was 13th April health screening was held in front of C8 apartment whereby more than 200 international students for the health checkup. Most of the volunteers were around about the work was entrusted to some volunteers. Dr. Vijay, Dr. Suleman, Promise, Esther, Kelly, Sonia, Baidoo, Afriyie, Wicleffe and Anthony were in charge of the checkup. Analysis from  the results obtain during events shows that 75% of the undergraduate students have good health with normal blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse rate and other vital signs. About 10% have high risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Out of this 10%, postgraduates are about 65% and remaining 45% are undergraduates.From the history we got to know that those who are risk to develop hypertension are due to mental stress, high intake of salt, genetic factors, lack of exercises and alcohol intake. With the help of the doctors and medical students around, all these students were adviced and were taught how to live health life by SAYING NO TO THIS RISK FACTORS.

The fun games started at 8:00am and ended at 3:30 with more than 200 students including nonmedical students. These are some of the games which took place (Volleyball, soccer, Tug of peace, kabaddi, and cricket) and many moreMBBS/Pharmacy 2015 batch won the first position for the volleyball, Tug of peace and rank second in Kabaddi. 2016 batch won the first position for the cricket and Kabaddi. 2017 batch won second position in all the games except Cricket which they had third position. For the soccer 2015 batch won the female soccer and 2017 batch had the second position in the female soccer games. MBBS 2014 won the male soccer and 2018 batch won the second position in the male soccer. Overall 2015 batch won the tournament, 2017 second position and 2016 batch third position. Fair play also went to the 2018 batch.

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