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OEC Run | Athletics and Fun Games During Qingming Holidays

On April 6th, during the Qing Ming holidays, the International Students Sports Association (ISSA) held a fun mixed athletics sports event open to all Jiangsu university overseas students. Those who attended participated in a range of sports including dodgeball, rope skipping, sack race and foot races.  The detailed results from all events are below. 

All credit goes to ISSA for organizing the event and the administrators at the OEC for supporting them. Congratulations to the winners and a big hurray to all the participants. Your presence made it possible. 


Sack race (females)

1st position: Tanu 13.28sec

2nd position: Nvedeta 15sec

Sack race (males)

1st position: Tiffu 8sec

2nd position: Sushant 9.22sec

Rope skipping (females)

1st position:Kiki 

2nd position: Percy 

Rope skipping (males)

1st position: Mujeeb 

1st position: Kingsley 

2nd position: Shubham 

Dodge ball

1st position: Team Kingsley 

2nd position: Team Avinash 

Group points for mixed events

1st position:  Team Avinash 17pts

2nd position:  Team Yugindar 13pts

100m foot race


1st position: Wisdom

2nd position:  Mansuur    


1st position: Naiya

2nd position:  Pranati

200m foot race


1st position: Ajmal     

2nd position: Wisdom


1st position: Angela

2nd position:  Sasha



Writer: Raymond Abidaku

Photographers: Bond and Rohan

Designer: Andrew

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