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OEC United Stars @ 2019 JSU Soccer Tournament Group Stages

Soccer, no doubt, has won the hearts of most students on campus. To keep this passion alive, the game never ends..

The group stages for the JSU tournament kicked off with heated match between the United Stars of OEC and the School of Pharmacy with the Stars winning by twelve goals to one.

The United Stars proved to be a formidable team after beating the School of Engineering with ten goals to none in the second group stage!

Probably after realizing the stars were a force to reckon with, the opponents of the next group stage didn’t show up, giving the Stars the automatic win.

School of automotive engineering wasn’t spared with 4 goals to nil either, in the 4th match of the group stage unfortunately.In the group stages entirely, the United Stars of OEC finished strongly with a total of twenty nine points.

Honorable mentions include; Kingdom, Eyeson, Jean, Muna,Ahat, Mangii, Kojo, Altigani, Jibb, Nelson, Kenzo and not forgetting Sulley the captain of the team.

Historically, the united stars of OEC, the defending champions, have always set the pace of winning almost all matches in many years of the tournament. The Coach, Mr. Mukhtar Yusif has always been consistent intraining the players with the help of other members.

Watch out for the semi-finals and the final games results

Come to support united stars of OEC

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