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Layout of Your Home – Sino-Foreign Engineers Make Models

The activity, which took place on Saturday, 27th April, 2019, themed Layout of Your Home – Change the Plane into Solid (The Art of Plasticine) took place at Sanjiang Building (Room 402). The event had a fruitful cooperation between the Chinese Civil Engineering Students and the Association of International Engineering Students (AIES).

The activity which started at about 1:30pm and elapsed till about past 3:00pm had International students and Chinese students interacting and working together as a team. About 9 international students were in attendance in this activity.

There were 8 teams involved in the activity and each team had about 4 Chinese students and 1 international student working together to model and build their ideal home, making use of mold – plasticine and tiny sticks – toothpicks.

The creativity of the different students and teams was brought to light, with each student working together and making different components of their home, turning plane materials into solid shapes, from the bed, to the Jacuzzi, toilet to the table and chair, television set, shelves, car, sofa, flowers and garden to the extent of even making Wi-Fi router for their homes.

At the end, the teams were judged, scored; and each team wonderfully presented their homes and the component, facilities their homes possessed, with both Chinese and International students explaining these in Chinese and English.

Finally, group pictures were taken by each team and also as a whole student body of Chinese and International students, practicalizing knowledge gained, out-of-class and in a fun and interesting manner.

You can see the joy beaming on the students’ faces.

This promotes association, builds confidence, interaction and unity among multi-cultural, multi-national students of Jiangsu University.

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