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8th PG "Cross Culture Park" | Network Security &Innovation

On the afternoon of April 27th, in the Restaurant for Overseas Students, the 8th “Cross-Culture Park” communication activity for postgraduates was held by the Graduate Union of the School of Liberal Arts of Jiangsu university and the Graduate Union of the Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology of jiangsu university in cooperation with the Overseas Education College. The theme of this activity is “Network Security and Innovation”, which is set in the background of the 4th International Conference on Information and Network Technology (ICINT 2019) to be held at Ritsumeikan University in Japan in late may.

This activity has successfully completed all the expected objectives. About 40 Chinese and foreign graduate students took part in the event. First of all, the two hosts introduced the theme of the activity to the students present, and made a brief introduction to the current situation of network security in the world.

In order to understand the Chinese and foreign graduate students on network security, after a free conversation, the host invited students to share their ideas. Chinese graduate students mainly viewed the importance of cyber security from the perspective of China's internal state. They believe that cyber security is necessary, just as General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that "no cyber security, no national security". Foreign students mainly discuss their own governance measures for network security, and from their own perspective, if they do not pay attention to network security, they will be negatively affected.

A student from Ghana said it is necessary to build a harmonious and safe network environment. In their country, both enterprises and individuals are often subject to cyber threats. What this brings is not only the leakage of personal information, but also the loss of personal property, which brings great trouble to our life. In such an environment, it is necessary to establish a safe network environment and strengthen the education of network security awareness. Jiangsu university has done a good job in this regard. I hope our country can learn more and strengthen the construction of network security.

In the discussion in the second part of the activity, the students looked into the future of network security innovation, and each group had a heated discussion. At the same time, the activity also launched a game named "Pass the Ping-Pong", it not only exercised the students’ skill of using chopsticks, increased the team cohesion, but also inspired us from the side: everyone participates in the cyberspace, and we must work together to get every pass right, so as to make the cyberspace run in an orderly way.

Before the end of the activity, the Chinese and foreign graduate students who participated in the activity took a group photo together. This cross-cultural exchange activity has achieved fruitful results and strengthened and promoted the communication between Chinese and foreign graduate students. Currently, Jiangsu university has more than 110 overseas students from different countries. The regularization of CCP activities gives full play to the international advantages of the university. Nowadays the situation of network security is increasingly severe, We should start from oneself to take network security seriously.

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