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Sustainable Development | IBSA 4th Model United Nations

Event name: 4th Model United Nations

Organized by: International Business Students Association

Venue: Sanjiang Building 1301

Date: November 3rd 2019

Attendance: 56

With the 17 Sustainable Development Goals initiated in 2015 and to be achieved by 2030 by all countries in different parts of the world, we as IBSA took it to set the agenda for this year`s 4th Model United Nations as "Progress made by countries in achieving the SDGs".We had a total of 22 country delegates who were all able to research and present on the goals achieved, not yet achieved, the problems faced as well as the initiatives implemented by their countries in a bid to achieve these goals by the year 2030.

The best delegate was Bryan Mhaka who was representing South Africa. He eloquently explained the progress and challenges his country was facing especially in combating poverty and he provided pure facts backed up by data to further support and elaborate his presentation. With the 2010 World Cup held in South Africa, Bryan pointed out that his country was promoting unity in support of the 17th goal through sports, as the South African rugby team comprised of Zimbabweans and Australians among other nations.

The second best speaker was a powerful woman delegate from Qatar, Fathiya Said who flawlessly took her presentation from a different strategic angle. She began by giving the house a real life exhibit story of a successful business woman in Qatar today that caught every other delegate's attention as everyone was eager to listen to where she was taking the delegates. She pointed out how in Qatar, women were not allowed to own businesses and let alone study business related courses but now tables had turned and Qatar was being run by successful business women like Marriam whom she had earlier mentioned. She concluded that her country was progressing very well in achieving the SDGs but she still needed other countries' help so as to speed up their progression to enable them meet up the target year of 2030.

In 3rd place was the delegate of D.R Congo, Abdullatif Hassana who explained to the audience how his country is the world`s richest in natural resources but was however struggling to achieve the goal of no poverty just like South Africa. He pointed that the main cause was embezzlement of funds by authorities as well as their struggling underdeveloped industry. He called for FDI from other countries, so that underutilized resources could be fully utilized and their industry be rejuvenated as this would benefit the Congolese with employment, hence forth working towards the goal of no to poverty.After the discussion of the agenda, there was announcement of winners and awarding of certificates to country delegates coupled with taking of photos.We would like to offer our heartfelt gratitude to OEC for supporting us, our judges comprising of Dr. Ade, Miss Aisha, Mr. Sheik and Dr. Chen and lastly our country delegates as well as the rest of the students that were in attendance.

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