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OECians @ Zhenjiang 2019 B&R Int'l Orienteering

Orienteering as it goes; It offers the obvious development of individual skills in navigating while problem solving to locate each control. Decision making is paramount: Should I go left or right? Should I climb that hill or go the long way around it? These decisions that constantly arise require thinking more than quick reactions or instinct; again, that is why orienteering is called the thinking sport.

On Tuesday 7:30am 29th October, eight overseas registered JSU students led by an OEC staff Mr. Arun converged at the forecourt of OEC to get on board. The bus took off at 7:45am and reached the event ground around 8:20am. Organizers of the event warmly welcomed JSU students.

The classic sports event commenced with a grand style opening ceremony at the “Zhenjiang-Shiye Island Tourist Resort Playground” where approximately 1000 participants from all over the world (Norway, U.K, Germany, Czech, Sweden, Hungary etc.), including 8 foreign students from Jiangsu University not forgetting the robust Chinese Team. On this note, the event was made up of vital international participants which really depicted the unique nature of this sports event.

The event was adorned by Jiangsu Provincial Sports Administration and authorities from Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government of which they gave an opening remark as well as unveiled the benefits & importance of orienteering as an interesting "treasure hunt" sport, which is increasingly coming into the public view.

With regards to this Orienteering event, it was more like an outdoor competitive sport that was similar to cross-country running, but with emphasis on map-reading, usage of compass, and direction-finding skills. Through woods and over hills or rough plains, partakers plot courses between isolated control points which was usually visited in sequence within “Shiye Island”.

Due to the inimitable nature of this sports event, it paved way for all participants to become part of a community, created a balance between mind and body, taught us how to think and act under pressure, enjoyed time with nature, increased self-esteem above all geared towards social-cultural learning experience among members from diverse background.

The event was successful and all participants expressed their pleasure and wish to experience more of similar classic sports event in future due to its uniqueness and exposure. JSU OECians including; Robin, Sulley, Utkarsh, Yugandhar, Ajay, Michael, Rohan and Pranati displayed a high sense of feeling and impact for representing JSU in this classic sports event.

It’s our burning desire to unveil our Special and Profound gratitude to OEC for their support and provision to make our participation a reality in such an International Orienteering Sports Event. Also, much appreciation to Arun Laoshi for his lovely support and efforts upon us throughout the event.

Thank you!

By: HUSSEINI SULEMANA ( Olive Daily )Dream To Succeed; Together We Can.

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