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Student Reps. Meet OEC Student Affairs via Web Conference

We aren’t an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind and current situations. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances. Hence, institutions advance to keep pace with the times.This day was observed with much cognizant zeal to further clarify as well as give answers to the queries and issues of overseas students. This is what revitalized OEC - Student Affairs Office to take up a task in order to organize this definitive online conference/webinar with the entire student representatives comprising of Dorm Volunteers, Off-Campus Managers, Class Monitors, PG leaders and Country Reps after compiling all questions from their respective student bodies.Monday 27th April, 2020 as at 6pm, student reps joined the meeting via tencent meeting together with OEC staffs; Prof. Jing Gao (OEC Dean), Mrs. Cai Zhaohui (OEC Vice Dean), Mr. Wang Bing (Student Affairs Director), Arun Laoshi and other OEC staffs.The host officials (OEC Student Affairs Office) comprised from different units which presented the audience (student reps) with a wide range of knowledge, practical experiences, insights, and views, in order to clarify the questions and issues raised by the entire student body which was geared towards safety precautions. OEC expressed thanks to all student reps who selflessly worked together to help fellow students.Prof. Jing Gao (OEC Dean), presented on behalf of the office where she disclosed crucial issues in defining and implementing adequate preservation thoughts as part of the webinar based on a key subject “Find Opportunities” which captured five thematic areas:  Focused by JSU, Novel Teaching Style, Win Reputation, Improving Social Service as well as Better OECian Team.In view of the above motivating issues, students were encouraged to stay positive and also do their best to succeed no matter the current situation we find ourselves. To further get maximum clarifications and answers to the questions and problems raised by the entire student body, the student representatives at that juncture asked supplementary questions in order to get the solutions to the problems of the entire student body.The feedback of the participants confirmed that the webinar was very much appreciated as well as that, there is a pressing need for students to bring up their concerns in a right direction for redress of which this wasn’t an exemption. Student affairs assured OECians that their concerns and problems will be considered, to improve/provide required services.It’s our burning desire to unveil our special and profound gratitude to OEC - Student Affairs Office for giving us a listening ear in order to clarify as well as get solutions to our problems as far as this webinar is concerned. Indeed, this meeting was a true reflection and depiction of our slogan “Dream To Succeed, Together We Can”. We also hope to observe such more webinars as and when the need arises.

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