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OECians Visit Anti-Drug Education Centre

Event name: OECians Visit Zhenjiang Anti-Drug Education Centre

Organized by: Jingkou Public Security & JSU-OEC

Venue: Zhenjiang Anri-Drug Education Centre

Date & Time: 2019 Dec. 12th, 2:30-4:00pm

Attendance: 63 overseas students

The day as an event is usually observed with much conscious fervor to make people aware and emphasize the hazards of drug addiction and illegal trafficking. A problem which is a major deterrent to humanity and a poison to the well-being of the youth.

This is what invigorated OEC in collaboration with Jingkou Public Security, Zhenjiang to take up a task in order to create awareness on drug abuse to the entire international student populace of JSU.

Thursday 12th December, 2019 was the day scheduled to hold this event. As at 2:30pm, the registered students converged at the forecourt of OEC where two OEC staffs Mr. Wang Bin and Mr. Arun led student to the Zhenjiang Anti-Drug Education Center which is just a stone throw away from campus. The Jingkou Public Security officials and volunteers of the center as well as facilitators of the event warmly welcomed JSU students.

More than 60 international students from Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Congo, Cameroon, Somalia, Sierra Leon took part in this awareness campaign.

The occasion was adorned by officials of Jingkou Public Security, Zhenjiang as well as the Zhenjiang Narcotics Control of which they conscientized us on the importance of abstaining from any form of drug addiction. Since being under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol poses serious risks to a person’s health and safety, and jeopardizes self-integrity.

In order to intensify the awareness of drugs, facilitators further educated the student body on drug and alcohol abuse by students will result in ineffective learning, disruptive behaviors, class failures and ultimately impact on the health and safety of students.

At this this juncture, students were counselled to stay away from illegal drugs due to its consequences and negative implications such as, those students can be referred for criminal prosecution. Any person who violates the policy shall be subject to disciplinary action. Above all, students should be aware that, violations may result in expulsion from school.

However, in recognition of the serious effects of alcohol and drug abuse on the safety, health and performance of individuals, this event accentuated on standards of conduct and clearly prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.

In fact, the occasion was fruitful and all partakers were enlightened on Drug Abuse. Our profound gratitude to OEC and JSU for giving us this opportunity to witness such an event. It’s our outmost wish to regularly experience such events subsequently due to its high importance and positive impact to we students. Also, much appreciation to Mr. Wang Bin and Arun Laoshi for their guidance and support upon us throughout this educative event.

Writer: Husseini Sulemana (Sulley)

Editor: Emmanuel Nkudede

Photographer: Adria Nirere

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